Mental Health Awareness Week

8 May 2024

We all have mental health.  Mental health is one part of an individual’s overall wellbeing. It determines how we as individuals manage stress, relate to others and make choices.  Finally, it is viewed as our ability to cope with everyday life.

Movement is important for both our mental and physical wellbeing. Research confirms that movement and exercise can assist in reducing anxiety and depression and preventing some physical illnesses.

As individuals many of us struggle to move daily due to various barriers such as not having sufficient time or money to spend on various activities.   Small changes can have a big impact when it comes to moving and it doesn’t have to cost a lot. Why don’t you increase your movement by trying out some of the following during the week:

  • 10-minute brisk walk.
  • Chair yoga while watching TV.
  • Listen to your favourite music while dancing around the house.
  • Walk to the shops rather than drive.
  • Every hour either stretch or get some steps in.

Further tips, ideas and information can be accessed here.

It is important not to compare your movements against anyone else as they are personal to you. As you make progress you will create positive feelings that can boost your confidence and mood. Start by setting some goals and push yourself a little further each day.

Even the smallest of daily changes are likely to have a positive impact on your mood.

What are you waiting for…