Interview Skills
Who is it for?
HR practitioners, line managers or other members of staff involved in the interview process. Also suitable for governing body members.
What’s it about?
This session will help you be fully prepared for the interview process, to avoid common pitfalls and covers:
- The legal framework
- Interview preparation
- The structure for effective interview situations
- How to build rapport and relax the candidate
- Communication skills, including listening and body language
- Questioning techniques
- Interview assessment
- Appropriate record keeping and storage
- Appointment and induction for the successful candidate
- Feedback to unsuccessful candidates
Duration: We can deliver our training sessions in a variety of formats. By providing this flexibility we aim to make the learning experience as useful as possible. The costs below relate to full day and half day sessions, so please contact us to discuss other variations.
Costs: All costs are per session
1 day £650 +VAT
½ day £350 +VAT
1 day £1,300 + VAT
½ day £700 + VAT
Location: We bring the training to you on-site or to a mutually convenient location