H&S Info Notes

H&S Info Notes

Our Health & Safety Information Notes give a quick overview of the more popular topic areas within the Health & Safety Control Manual.

1.  EVH Health & Safety Services

2.  H&S Competence and Training Needs Analysis

3.  Role of the Health & Safety Administrator

4.  Risk Assessments

5.  H&S Responsibilities of the Governing Body

6.  Waste and Segregation Management

7.  Electrical Safety Inspection and Management

8.  Asbestos Management

9.  Alcohol and Occupational Driving

10. Driving in Winter

11. Legionella, Are You Managing Your Risk?

12. Volunteers

13. Using English At Work

14. Slips, Trips & Falls

15. Individual & Corporate Liability

16. Driving & Cycling at Work

17. Construction, Design & Management (CDM)

18. Infestations

19. Fire Risk Assessments

20. First Aid

21. Electric Scooters

22. Welfare Facilities

The H&S Control Manual is the first port of call for any queries.  If this doesn’t answer your questions, contact the ACS Health & Safety hotline on 0141 427 5171 or info@acsrisk.com