EVH/ACS COVID-19 Risk Management (v8 22 December 2020)
In any ‘unprecedented’ situation, there are, by definition, no solid lessons to learn from and this has undoubtedly caused some considerable uncertainty across businesses, public bodies and, of course, RSL’s as to what works can safely and legally continue as the situation develops and how these works should be carried out under the ‘new normal’ ways of working. There is also now a considerable volume of information and guidance available on the internet, published by the Government, Regulatory Bodies and Trade Federations.
All deliberations on how and when work activities should proceed will require careful consideration of a range of risk factors (and the preparation of COVID-19 Risk Assessments and Method Statements) and the following pages are designed to give an overview of the current thinking and main sources of information on key risk areas.
Please note, however, that the information pool is vast and changes rapidly, often with conflicting information being given by different sources or industry groups. Therefore, it is important that you supplement this guidance with your own research in order that the optimum solution for each situation may be found on a case by case basis. Note also that the Scottish Government has stated the following in respect of risk assessing competence, so please do seek help and advice where appropriate: “Employers should ensure that their Health & Safety professionals and representatives have the skills, training and knowledge to understand the risks associated with COVID-19. Where there is no access to these skills in-house, external support options should be explored.”
1. Permitted Works and Industry Guidance
Return to work (RTW) Plans
- Risk Assessment
- Vulnerable Employees
Specific Works and Industry Guidance
- Landlord Compliance and Work in Domestic Homes
- Construction
- Occupational Driving
- Gas Safety Checks
- Asbestos Works
- Offices and Contact Centres
2. Safe Working Procedures and Risk Assessment
Virus Viability
Risk Assessment and Safe Systems of Work
- Work Activities
- Premises
Infection Control Guidance
- General Precautions
- Hazards and Risks
- Social Distancing and Minimising Contact
- Handwashing and respiratory hygiene
- PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
- Work Canteens, Rest Areas and Shift Working
- Premises Considerations
- Useful Links
- Cleaning of Premises
- Cleaning Regime
- Decontamination of Premises after Possible COVID-19 Case (Non-Healthcare Setting including Void Properties)
Appendix 1 – IOSH Fact Sheets (Workplace Hygiene and Homeworking Ergonomics)
3. Homeworking Guidance
- Home Working Key Risks
- Lone Workin
- Mental Health
- Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
- Operational Guidelines
4. H&S Management and Administration
- RIDDOR Reporting of COVID-19
- First Aid Cover and Qualifications
5. Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance for Landlords and Tenants
If you require any assistance with risk assessing or developing safe working procedures during this challenging time please do not hesitate to contact ACS via the helpline number or using the details below. Good luck and work safely.
0141 427 5171