
TandC changegoldfish

Who is it for?

This session is for any organisation going through change and needing to adapt to new ways of working, and who need to embrace the opportunities that change can bring.

What’s it about?

Your organisation is almost certainly having to cope with change right now.  For example, changes in the resources available to you, changing demands from your stakeholders, or trying to make your operations as efficient as they can be.

The session take participants through different aspects of change, including:

  • Planning and organising
  • Effective change management
  • Consultation and decision making
  • Dealing with resistance, and
  • Facilitating a change-friendly culture

Duration:  We can deliver our training sessions in a variety of formats.  By providing this flexibility we aim to make the learning experience as useful as possible.  The costs below are for full day and half day sessions, so please contact us to discuss other variations.

Costs:  All costs are per session


1 day £650 +VAT
½ day £350 +VAT


1 day £910 + VAT
½ day £490 + VAT

Location:  We bring the training to you on-site or to a mutually convenient location.