Inclusion At Work - Neurodiversity in Recruitment

11 Feb 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Inclusion is the foundation of all successful workplaces as they demonstrate a commitment to embrace diversity of thought, creativity and innovation.  The EVH team are excited to offer you the opportunity to be part of a wider discussion on inclusion and how we as organisations can embrace it.  Over the next few months EVH will be holding events covering various topics related to Inclusion At Work.  So, to kick us off our first session is Inclusion At Work - Neurodiversity in Recruitment on Tuesday 11 February  

During this session we will be joined by Aileen Carson from Aileen Carson Coaching who will provide engaging insight into,

  • What is neurodiversity?
  • The strengths and challenges of different neurodivergent conditions
  • The importance of psychological safety
  • How neurodiversity impacts the workplace
  • What considerations employers should take account of during the recruitment process

The session will also involve group discussions around best practice in this area, feedback and the opportunity for questions.  This session is aimed at senior officers, HR professionals and staff involved in recruitment within their organisations.

Please note this session is online and will commence at 10.00am and conclude at 11.15am. Delegate fees are £85+VAT for EVH members and £170 + VAT for non-members.

For more information on content please see the flyer & booking form in the downloads section.  Bookings can be made by completing the booking form and emailing  You will receive confirmation email from a member of the Events Team to confirm your place.