November Mindfulness Session

30 Nov 2023 10:00 am - 11:00 am


Following on from our last successful mindfulness session we are delighted to announce another free session to all our members.

Our next topic will be on “Using mindfulness for a happy work / life balance this festive season”.  The holiday season is often busy celebrating with family, friends and colleagues, however, with so much going on it’s possible for us to take our eyes off the ball at work.  This lack of focus means we can fall behind and, as a result, our enjoyment of the time spent with the people who matter to us, can be impacted as we worry about our growing to-do list at work.  Join Martin Stepek for our live session at 10am on Thursday 30 November 2023 to find how to use mindfulness to stay focused at work and enjoy everything the festive season has to offer.

To book your place for this event please email completing the information below:

Name of delegate joining via Zoom
Email address to send zoom invitation to

You will receive an email from a member of the Events Team to confirm your place and joining instructions will be issued nearer the event.

Is there any previous or new mindfulness topics you would like Martin to explore in our future sessions?  If there are please email the Events Team.

Remember that the Mindfulness resources from 2021 are still available on our website so feel free to tap into these at any time, just use your member password to sign in and access them.

Hope you can join us.

The EVH Team & Ten for Zen