Making Sense of Finance for Governing Body Members
23 Jan 2024 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

This session has now taken place and was well attended. If you are interested in this session please email
Are you a Governing Body member who is at times uncertain when it comes to the tricky area of finance, and how you can effectively engage and challenge on this topic when required to in your role? Then join us for this rarely available session.
Most importantly, financial terminology being used in this essential session will be in Plain English. It has been specially designed for board members, with important financial concepts being explored, and unhelpful jargon exposed and debunked! All with a view to helping delegates better understand how best to approach their own role in this vital business area.
Phil Morrice, Managing Partner with Alexander Sloan will lead this session and will also treat us to current hot topics in finance and alert us to some of the more important forthcoming developments.