EVH Member Information Exchange - June 2024

3 Jun 2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

The session took place in Betty's Room on Monday 3 June 2024.  It was well attended by members and it was great to see so many people together networking and enjoying the hot food and drinks provided.

The evening began with an update from EVH Chairperson Nicki Finlayson on what the team have been working. Nicki introduced this session's speaker Lorna Ravell, EVH HR Support Manager who gave an interesting presentation on the changes to the full member terms and conditions of employment that came in to practice in April 2024. Following the presentation members had a good discussion on what their own organisations provide and what changes they could make in the future.  The delegates got the chance to network over some tea/coffees while we shared news from members on a variety of items including community projects and the appointment of new Directors.

All news item submitted by members can be found on our dedicated Member Information page, just click on the related page section.

Our next EVH Member Information Exchange is planned for Autumn, so keep an eye out for information coming through on the events page.