Employment Rights Bill - Governing Body Session
20 Feb 2025 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

To: Principal Contacts
This invitation has been sent directly to all EVH Representatives that have supplied us with an email address. We would be grateful therefore if you could help us by sharing this information with your EVH Representatives, particularly those who do not have email.
To: All EVH Representatives
On 10th October 2024, the government announced the new Employment Rights Bill (ERB) which will introduce a number of significant reforms to existing workplace rights and legislation. The ERB is considered by the government as the biggest upgrade in employment rights for a generation and includes reforms in the following areas: Unfair Dismissal Rights; Zero Hour Contracts; Flexible Working; Family Friendly Rights; Statutory Sick Pay; Redundancy Rights; Fire and re-hire; Sexual Harassment and Trade Union Rights.
EVH is inviting you to join us online via Zoom on Thursday 20 February 2025 from 6.00pm – 7.00pm and will be led by EVH HR Support Manager, Lorna Ravell and Jonny Cunningham, Lead HR Advisor. The purpose of the session will be to give you an overview of the proposed changes and to gain an understanding of the potential impact these changes may have on your organisation. There will be an opportunity to discuss and share ideas with other organisations. More information is available on the flyer in the download section.
Please note this is a Governing Body member only event and there will be a nominal charge of £25 + VAT per delegate. Bookings can be made by completing the booking form in the download secion and emailing to Events@evh.org.uk.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.
We hope you can join us.